Introducing: VIRTUe

Welcome to our first ever blogpost! It’s time to introduce ourselves.

We are team VIRTUe, a group of 16 honours students from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). We are an interdisciplinary team, doing a track in the context of the Built Environment. Our team consists of students of structural architecture, architectural design, industrial design, physics and chemistry. Together, we have set ourselves the challenge to participate in the Solar Decathlon Middle East 2018 in Dubai. This is a prestigious competition that focuses on sustainable architecture. The brief is to design a small home that powers itself with solar energy, minimalises energy consumption and uses sustainable materials. The brief is more thouroughly explained in 10 contests. For more information, see the website of the SDME.

Our application has just been submitted, and we are very excited to hear the outcome. In the upcoming years, we will use this website to keep you updated on our progress. We will post content regularly and are always happy to hear outside opinions. So make sure you subscribe to our feed, and get involved!