ripple is inspired by the Ripple Effect. Like a drop in water, our project creates a ripple of influence, earning 2nd place at the 2021 Solar Decathlon Europe. Our aim is to introduce our contextually-adaptable ‘drop’- a modular extension for flat-roof buildings, along with a new urban concept- in various existing contexts in order to create our ripple and influence the general public to participate in sustainable urbanization.  

Our aim is to create a proposal that can be adapted to fit the needs and situations of various Northern European cities.  

We focus on setting an example for the industry, as well as influencing the user to live a more sustainable lifestyle. We do this by creating a framework that makes a sustainable lifestyle attractive and easy for users. We form various platforms for social interaction so people can inspire each other and  spread this influence from neighbor to neighbor, to a larger scale.   


The second generation of VIRTUe has participated in the Solar Decathlon Europe 2021/2022! Our team has a strong affinity toward urban design and realistic social solutions, which made the SDE21/22, set in urban Wuppertal, a perfect ground for us.

SDE21/22 is focused on urbanisation and development of urban areas. Wuppertal is an industrial city, much like Eindhoven, which allowed VIRTUe to garner inspiration from its direct surroundings in terms of urban renewal and technical innovation and apply it to create a strong, innovative concept for the competition


We were judged based on 10 contests and challenged to build an architecturally attractive building with innovative engineering and sustainable practices. Our cumulative results helped us achieve 2nd place overall! Alongside, we were awarded the following prizes…

OOC German Sustainable Housing Award

OOC Solar Award

OOC Green BIM Award

OOC Human Centred Interior Architecture Award

OOC Mirke's Choice Award

House Functioning Award

Urban Mobility Award

Communication, Education and Social Awareness Award

Sustainability Award

Solar Decathlon Europe 2021/2022

The second generation of VIRTUe participated in the Solar Decathlon Europe 2021/2022! Our team has a strong affinity toward urban design and realistic social solutions, which made the SDE21/22, set in urban Wuppertal, a perfect ground for us.

SDE21/22 is focused on urbanisation and development of urban areas. Wuppertal is an industrial city, much like Eindhoven, which allowed VIRTUe to garner inspiration from its direct surroundings in terms of urban renewal and technical innovation and apply it to create a strong, innovative concept for the competition.

We were judged based on 10 contests and challenged to build an architecturally attractive building with innovative engineering and sustainable practices.
